Here is a link dealing with setup-for this software.
If you use RTKLIB, STRSVR, RTKNAVI, Emlid products, rtkexplorer (Demo5 et al)
or other derivatives, please start with the above link.
If your rover’s (NTRIP Client) repeated connection attempts to any Caster result in just getting the Caster Table returned to you and an immediate disconnect, either:
As the RTK2go caster does not require user accounts, that leaves only option one.
A bizarre subset of this that you are connected but then never get any actual data, because the data source itself is not ever sending any data to RTK2go. We see this occurring with certain mis-configured PUSH_in connections. Base Stations that never send in any data (or that stop sending data) are dropped after a period of time, (and a connection often resolves the issue), but this effect can occur in that window.
Hint: Any NTRIP Client code which is based on the RTKLIB source code will attempt to reconnect after ~10 seconds of data starvation as its default behavior.
Tip: Make sure you are in fact sending the data from your base station into RTK2go before having your NTRIP Client rover devices connect to RTK2go looking for it. Those using RTKLIB code (STRSVR and others) to send data will often connect and then never send any actual data. Until SNIP sees some sort of data sent to it (and can perform analysis on it for a tens of seconds), your data will not be published for others parties to use.
You can easily see if your data stream is present at any time by looking at the Caster Table. The RTK2go site gets many thousands of connections every week from NTRIP Client rover devices seeking for data streams which are not (or no longer) present.
What is the name of the stream do you want? Press this button: and then seek for that name in the table. If you cannot find that precise name (capitalization matters here), there is nothing for SNIP to connect you to. If you find it in the section marked “These streams are no longer connected” then it was once present but is no longer there. Before trying to connect for hours on end, make sure the data you want is there.
As a broad rule, RTCM3 data is sent at a 1Hz rate, but some data streams (such as orbital data collections like RTCM3EPH) are only sent every 5, 10 or 30th second. Users who are using NTRIP to send other data (using RTK2go in SNIP‘s bent pipe mode) will need to be sure their NTRIP Client rover devices understand this.
From SNIP‘s PUSH-In logic, the source data stream must provide some data at least once every 180 seconds to be considered active. It must also provide some initial data with 15 seconds of the connection. SNIP disconnects such “dead” connections when they occur.
Note: It is considered bad form to reconnect to a Caster every second for hours on end if your connection attempt is being rejected. Most Casters are not operated in an open mode as this one is. This will result in you IP being blocked for a period of time.
In the RTK2go Caster you do not need a user ID or any password (just leave those fields blank on the rover device) to obtain data. If you send in such data, it is just be ignored.
However: If you enter a valid email as the user name (i.e. then the SNIP caster will be able to send you limited email reports about what went wrong when your connection attempt does not work. This can be very helpful for quick self debugging uses and is unique to SNIP® NTRIP Casters. We will not use your email for any other purposes.
And yes, you can connect multiple NTRIP Servers and Clients from the same originating IP at the same time. This would typically be done only during testing and setup, but such connections are valid.
Many people use a copy of SNIP in Lite or Basic mode to connect their GNSS Base Station with a nearby serial stream, then PUSH-Out the data to and then monitor that data with a Relay stream.
There is a section of the SNIP knowledge base on managing user accounts has some articles on debugging NTRIP Client connections with commonly occurring error that may be of value to you in resolving any connection issues. If you are having problems, please send us an email [support [at]] and we will create a support ticket.
NTRIP Caster networks are independent of each other. And while the world-wide community shares a lot of common data, it is also incorrect to presume that any Caster has immediate access to the data streams from another Caster. Said another way; In NTRIP there is no concept of an inter library loan system that will locate a mountPt on another Caster for you.