Regional Caster Tables

This page described a new feature for SNIP NTRIP Casters now in test

Regional Caster Tables

The Caster is now providing some shorter Caster Tables which display only a sub-set of the overall mountPts (Base Stations) based on the country in which the Base Station is found.    Doing this make the Caster table smaller, it loads faster, and is easier to sort for some devices.   This feature uses the Multiple-Caster Plug-In to be released in early 2021.

For the moment we are testing with only two regions, the countries of Japan and Poland.  If you are using the RTK2go Caster from either of these regions, the below will be of interest to you.

Users Located in Japan

You can connect to the Japanese regional Caster at the URL:

Note that this is found on port is 2104 and not 2101 as used on the ‘full’ Caster. You will see a only those mountPts that list Japan as the country of origin.


これはポート2104にあり、「フル」キャスターで使用されている2101ではないことに注意してください。 日本を原産国としてリストしているmountPtsのみが表示されます。

Users Located in Poland

You can connect to the Poland regional Caster at the URL:

Note that this is found on port is 2103 and not 2101 as used on the ‘full’ Caster. You will see a only those mountPts that list Poland as the country of origin.

Możesz połączyć się z polskim regionalnym Casterem pod adresem URL: 2103

Zwróć uwagę, że znajduje się on na porcie 2103, a nie 2101, jak w przypadku „pełnego” Castera. Zobaczysz tylko te MountPts, które wymieniają Polskę jako kraj pochodzenia.



Note: If your device cannot use a URL and must use an IP, then please use: